Archive for January, 2022

Internet Big Stakes Poker- Who is Gus Hansen?

Gus Hansen enjoyed a marvelous year on the World Poker Tour where he was the only gambler to make it to the final game in three of the competitions. Gus Hansen has appeared on High Stakes Poker on The Game Show Network where he paid $400, 000 to play. You may recall one of the biggest pots in big stakes poker recorded history against Daniel Negreanu. Hansen secured a large pot with 4 of a kind against Negreanu’s full house. Hansen has earned many televised poker appearances and is thought to be one of the greatest enthusiasts anywhere in the world. While competing in online poker, another side of Hansen has been seen. Gus often plays in the 200/400 No Limit maximum buy in of $40, 000. Hansen more often than not buys-in for the min of $16, 000 and plays very poorly. He sits there waiting for a good hand and then goes all-in. I know Gus is an amazing poker player but certainly not even close to the familiar players at 200/400no limit. Unless Gus is broke, he has little or no reason to settle at the game with the min buy in.

Buying in for the min takes most of the skill out of big stack poker. Hansen is assumed to be 1 of the best players in the world but he can’t buy-in for the total amt.. I think television can skew our view of the real world sometimes. The greatest poker players anywhere in the world might be players you have never heard about. Gus can be seen competing in internet poker on Full Tilt. He generally plays in big stakes omaha hold’em and texas holdem. Gus Hansen has proven himself as a tournament player. Can he back up his skills in cash games?

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Best Net Poker Web Site

In the last several years online poker has become more acclaimed especially with tv poker events like Celebrity Poker. It’s convenient to gamble on poker online from your house. There are many new internet sites added and with such choices it could be difficult to find the greatest web poker website. You should take into consideration the selection of games provided, the popularity of the site, and the fees and requirements when you are seeking for the most favorable online poker casino.

You will want to be sure that you find an excellent poker casino that offers the types of games you like playing. Some sites provide many different types of poker games such as Omaha and 5 Card Stud, while different sites only specialize in one specific style of poker. If you like an array of games then you’ll discover a website that offers selection to be the best poker room on the internet. You need to keep in mind the success that the poker site has. If there are a lot of players and the website appears to be very active you can be pretty certain that it’s an excellent poker room. Also be sure to look at the costs and constraints when you are wanting the greatest online poker site. Be sure you do not join a website that charges big fees and be sure that the requirements are reasonable.

If you are going to enjoy any kind of poker online you want to be sure that you find the greatest online poker site possible. You deserve to have a good online poker experience when you wager on on the net. Identifying a poker site that you can feel comfortable with and be certain the site offers variety, success, and good perks. After identifying the best web poker website you are able to sit back and relax enjoying an outstanding round of poker.

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